jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

Abstract: Postpartum depression

Background: Postpartum depression is a serious, common, treatable condition, with broad repercussions in mother,family and newborn.

N. Silva
Obstetric Department, Universidad de Chile, Chile.
Accepted 19 May 2011

Aims: Postpartum depression, prevalence, signs and triggers.

Methods: My study focuses on common and particular characteristics presented by a group of pregnant women, in order to detect and get a percentage the number of women who have or have traits associated with depressive symptoms.
For this, take a group of pregnant woman who were enrolled in the third trimester of pregnancy, and they study up to 28 days postpartum.
Contact a professional is an expert on early detection of mood disorders (psychology from the University of Chile) to study behavior of pregnant women received prenatal care with the midwife.This followed until day twenty eight postpartum, when the midwife when the midwife leaves treat newborn.

Results: Was observed that 100% of pregnant women present anxiety during pregnancy and after childbirth, of them that 40% showed decreased of this in after delivery. Other 60%, present depressive symptoms such as sleeps disorders, irritability or fatigue after delivery. Of the latter puerperal, 25% present postpartum depression, shows symptoms such as decreased appetite, paranoid, feelings of inferiority and other common characteristics.

Conclusion: This study shows that postpartum depression is a real and public health problem, is common, not usually self-limiting, but above all is treatable and our rol as midwife is detect early the possible signs. We know that carries consequences as alters the whole family dynamics, relationship with them and with the child. Has also been shown a increase in child's anxiety.

Keywords: Postpartum depression,relastionships,depressive symptoms


jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011


Why this topic is of interest?

In our work area every day are more cases of postpartum depression, which compromises the physical and emotional, both of puerperal women and newborn.

Main issues:
©   Definition of postpartum depression
©   Factors that may trigger postpartum depression
©   Signs that could indicate a postpartum depressive
©   Consequences of postpartum depression
©   Role of the midwife on this issue


Is vital to early detection and subsequent treatment to deal with puerperal depressive symptoms, as this could lead to both mental health consequences for mother and for the optimal development of the newborn.